
OnlyJewels wishes to provide you with excellent service.We take pride in caring for every last detail of our business and making each step our clients take, enjoyable. From website to salesroom, we offer sophistication and entertainment. Even our packaging is as precious as our gems. fine gemstones, jewels and precious objects.

We believe you are entitled to a fair price, thus all our gems are sold at market prices together with their certificates from reputable laboratories.

We take special requests as challenges. If your dream gem is not in our stock we will make it our mission to find it for you. We choose very carefully our shipping partners, for a safe and insured delivery.

For your tranquility, we apply a 30 days return policy with full refund, excluding shipping costs, at the condition that all goods are returned unchanged and undamaged together with their original certificate and their original packaging which may be opened, but not damaged. Made to measure jewels from the Design Your Jewel interface, will also be refunded to the fullest possible extent.

In the future, you may wish to change the gemstone you bought from us. If the gem is unchanged and undamaged, together with its original certificate, we will exchange it for a gem of same value. Any further sales condition concerning a specific gem or jewel will be clearly mentioned on the final payment pages.

For Your Comfort
Online Magazine & Gallery
Elegant Packaging

Special Requests
Gemological Certificates
Safe Delivery

Wholesale Prices
30 days Return Policy
Exchange Guaranty

Photo Gallery